Accession Number: 73 66 Name: CHALLINGSWORTH (A) PTY. LTD/ MARFLEET AND WEIGHT LTD. Sex: Group: Business, organizations Activity: Engineers Location: Melbourne Historical Note:Formerly A Challingsworth Pty Ltd, Marfleet and Weight Ltd. were light, medium and heavy manufacturing engineers; fabrication and structural engineers; manufacturers of Davmar Plate rolls and metal working machinery; design and contracting engineers and materials handling experts; manufacturers of Abbey Hydraulic hoists, stackers and skyscraper work platforms etc.; sales of machine tools. Marfleet and Weight Ltd. had branches in N.S.W., W.A., QLD and S.A. This is the second accession of material
Earliest Date: 1920 Latest Date: 1972 Access: Open Quantity: 18 Archives boxes Description:Technical catalogues; Henry Pels Engineering catalogue 1920; Refineries catalogues 1957; Refineries catalogues 1957; Beans Bending M/L/ file 1947; Feed Box file; Ingerball-Rand catalogue; Jex Wool M/L/ catalogue 1947; Beans Bending M/L File 1947; Lathe MF publications; Vertical Boring Mill file; British Machine Tool catalogue; Howard and Dennis file; 10 Ton Overhead Crane catalogue; rough engineering calculation file; various engineering notes; newspapers.
Persons: Organisations: Henry Pels Howard and Dennis Beans Bending Ingerboil-Rand Places: Australia U.K. U.S.A. Subjects: engineering Listed: Not listed